Building strong roots for healthy growth.

Our hydroponic systems and equipment will enable growers of all levels to produce more profitably.

  • Efficiency

    Our reusable grow mats and recirculating grow systems not only produce vibrant, healthy plants but also saves you time, money and resources.

  • Sustainability

    Produce more, with less! By using fewer resources, our systems empower you to increase productivity without using and spending more. Additionally, our systems enable you to grow closer to your customers, reducing transportation costs and supporting local communities.

  • Adaptability

    Our reusable grow mats can be fabricated to any custom size, and we offer various grow system options to accommodate your grow space and production demands.

Urban Greens was founded as an urban farm.

That farm gradually became a company determined to develop products to solve the problems faced by growers who want to produce quality food consistently and sustainably.

About Us

UG Grow Mats are easy to use and reuse.

Durable fabric and quality stitching last years of repeated growing cycles. Free yourself from single use growing media, and reduce the mess with cleaner harvests. Save time and money.

Thinking about changing how you grow?

Whether you have questions about hydroponic growing with our reusable mats, or you want to expand your potential to grow more greens -- check out our FAQ.


Everything we've learned about grow system design over the years...

The UG Grow Rack Kit

Our First shippable grow rack kits are available now!

Grow Rack Kits

See our hydroponic grow racks that take full advantage of our reusable... 

Custom Systems and Consult

Contact us for more information about commercial system design and turnkey installation.

We also offer full service consultation and grower support to ensure success for every farmer.